
The purpose of the Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) is to develop leaders among the faculty, administration, and support staff who will initiate and direct activities that lead to greater success of students.  These leaders will promote professional learning to advance research, curriculum development, and integration of student support services and instruction, and, as appropriate, effect institutional change.
The SLI is a unique opportunity for honing your personal leadership capacities to support the University’s strategic priorities by participating fully as a leader within your work or educational context.  It is a two-week long initiative where participants engage daily in a sustained dialogue within a learning community. The community setting is safe and respectful, yet challenging. Through facilitated small and large group dialogues, reflective writing, readings, videos, activities and exercises, participants develop their leadership capacities to effectively interact with members of the University.A primary goal of the SLI is to help cultivate leadership capacities for individuals across campus, which needs leaders who can create inclusive teaching, working, and learning climates in which any individual or group can feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued. Such an inclusive and welcoming climate embraces differences and offers respect in both words and  actions so that all people can fully participate in opportunities the university provides.The Summer Leadership Institute is structured to help participants

  • Explore “spheres of influence”;
  • Acquire tools and skills to help build inclusive working/teaching/living environments;
  • Interact and communicate on all levels;
  • Identify ways of engaging with conflict;
  • Build inclusive and equitable relationships across campus;
  • Develop confidence in their personal leadership style.

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